In the Presence of My Enemies

Not too many years ago, I remember following a story in the news about several people, including a missionary couple in the Philippines that had been abducted and held hostage by the Islamic terrorist group, Abu Sayyaf. They were forced to march through jungles for over a year, sometimes without eating for days, in order to evade the Philippine army as the terrorists tried to extort their release for ransom. Throughout the ordeal, Martin and Gracia Burnham, relied upon their faith, even praying for their captors. I always found their story compelling and inspiring and was excited to find that she was the guest speaker at church this last Sunday. After hearing her story and considering the ordeal that she went through (including the death of her husband during her rescue), I am amazed at the peace God can bring and the way that He can turn even the worst circumstances into something good. If you have not read her book, In The Presence of My Enemies, I would highly recommend this story of courage and faith.
Martin and Gracia Burnham certainly proved that with Christ even in death life is born anew. Martin's death proved to be the birth of a wonderful ministry. God is so faithful. Thank you for posting this Laura