Wednesday, June 27, 2012


   My grandma loved to sing. As a girl, I would sit and listen to her sing with my grandpa. You could see the look of pure enjoyment on both of their faces, and the pride in hers when he would hit the high notes. My grandpa played the guitar, and he would strum or pick while the family gathered around and sang. A lot of the time it was old folk songs that told sad stories, but it made us happy to sing them.
   We were together and sharing with those we loved, and perhaps that's one of the reasons I love to sing. I'm by no means good at it, but it brings me joy, so I do it anyway. When I'm happy, a song usually comes to my lips and with it, a smile to my face. Most days, I find myself singing in the car, in the shower, and while cleaning house. It just has a way of brightening my day. It's a natural anti-depressant. When I'm having a bad day... feeling angry or tense... I can belt out a few songs (usually from a 70's rock station) and soon feel less stressed. When I sing at worship services on Sunday, the words inspire me; they lift my spirit and bring a sense of peace, joy and gratitude to me. I feel the presence of the Lord, and I think He is enjoying it too, even if I miss some of the notes.

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, my grandma called and told me that she had made my favorite soup and a couple meals for me, even though she was on oxygen, suffering from heart failure, and in a great deal of pain. That is love in action. I was impressed with the fact that she was in worse shape than I, but still trying to do something to help me. What I learned from her is to try and take your mind off your own troubles and look for what you can do to make someones day better or easier. It's not always an easy thing to do - our own problems can seem so overwhelming at times. I'm still a work in progress with this lesson, but helping others always makes me feel blessed. Realizing there are others who have the same (or worse) problems, puts mine in perspective, and makes me grateful for the the blessings I have. Knowing that I've done something to bring someone happiness or have met a need of theirs makes me feel good. Busy, poor, old, or sick,.... there is always something we can do to love and help someone else.

You always knew how my grandma felt. She said what she thought and spoke her mind. Granted, sometimes it might have been nice if she'd kept a little bit more of it to herself.... like the time she told the hospital nurse that her cologne smelled awful and that she would need to wash it off before she could tend to her. Or when she scolded the visiting minster (through the locked door) and told them that he needed to go home and come back another time - surely he knew better than to visit an old lady at almost 8:00 at night! She was already in her night gown and ready for bed. I used to be shocked at how plain- spoken she was, but the older I get, the more I appreciate it. I've spent a lot of my life, trying to be too kind and keeping many of my feelings to myself. Call me slow, but I'm finally figuring out that doesn't work always work so well. I've learned that it's better to say what's on my mind. How else are others going to know? This doesn't give us the license to be unnecessarily rude or unkind to others, but it's important to stand up for oneself and let your feelings be known. Not everyone will like you for it, but they'll know where you stand, and you'll feel a whole lot better about yourself.

My grandma loved to bake, especially cakes, pies, and cookies, and I loved to eat them. Her chocolate cake was my favorite, and I use her recipe now to make special birthday cakes for my sons. They always request it, and I feel close to her when I spread the warm, fudge-like icing on the top and leave a little in the bowl for us to eat. They say food brings us comfort, and that's how I felt at Grandma's house - loved and comforted. It must be the love that goes in while baking that makes a cake taste so delicious. I have some of Grandma's recipes and I love to bake and see the pleasure on my boys faces as they bite into a piece of my cake or cookies fresh from our oven. I hope they taste the same sweetness that I did in my Grandma's cake.

THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP I'LL EVER HAVE IS WITH MY LORD & SAVIOR Grandma wasn't a saint, but she was always conscious of  her relationship with the Lord, and taught me, by example, that serving others is in actuality, serving Him. Her never wavering faith was evident and an anchor for me in a troubled home and an uncertain world. She had times of worry and her own flaws, of course, but she always looked to Jesus. She spent a a lot of time praying and reading the Bible, and that is where she drew her strength. That is also where I draw mine. Family and friends sometimes let you down, but the Lord is always by the side of those who seek Him. He never breaks His promises. He offers peace, rest, joy, and eternal life to those who believe in Him and obey Him. Something wonderful happened as my grandma was nearing the end of her time here on earth. She had a peace, almost an excitement about her, to be going home with the Lord. She was assured and happy that she would be with my Pa-paw and loved ones soon, but most importantly, with the One who truly loves her. Grandma lived out Hebrews 10:23-25:  "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.  24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,  25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.".  Grandma was full of love and good works, and held fast 'til the end. Of all the recipes she left, her relationship with God and the example she set are the most precious to me. Thank you Grandma.


Have you ever used a pottery wheel? As you sit down, it's easy to look at that lump of moist, wet clay and wonder how it will ever end up to be something beautiful or even useful. At least that's how I felt sitting down in an art class many years ago. But then, unbelievably, as the wheel spins, you begin to feel the mushy clay rise up and see it begin to take shape in your hands. It can actually be formed into something with the right touch. With just the right amount of guidance and pressure, it can be fashioned into a beautiful work of art. That is how God must see us... that is why He continually works and molds us. He created us and knows what we can become. He sees our worth even if we ourselves and others may not. If we will only let Him shape our life, we are sure to become something beautiful and useful.

Even the best artist cannot form something from clay that is hard and dried up; it has to be pliable in the potter's hand....yielding to his touch. I want to be like that clay. I want to be shaped by Him into something more than I am on my own. I'm in my late 40's and realize now more than ever that God is still working on me. (Thank you Lord!). He works on us at every age, through our whole life. It is up to us to be like clay and  yield to His touch. We can't be dried up or too stiff or we will never become the work of art that He intends us to be. Sometimes, without even realizing it,  past hurts and experiences have hardened us and made us difficult to work with. We focus on that instead of becoming what we can be. Or we are so set in our beliefs and habits, it becomes hard to yield. Sometimes, we never really get past seeing ourselves as that big glob of clay with no potential. 

I've read many verses in scripture that refer to the potter and the clay, but have recently really been reflecting on them. Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God's workmanship. (For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them). He formed us for a purpose. II Cor 5:5.  Verse 15 goes on to tell us that we are to live for Him because of His great love for us. He sees great value in us. ( Matt. 6:26 and Luke 12:7)  He created us, loves us, and bought us with a great price. He never gives us on us or leaves us on our own. I am so glad to know that He doesn't give up when I become lop-sided like that clay, but gently works to form me into something more. I'm so thankful to know that He sees beauty in me.

He hath made everything beautiful in its time... Eccl. 3:11