Monday, March 14, 2016


Giving Mother's a Microphone! 

LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER features live readings by local writers on the beauty, the beast, and the barely-rested of motherhood, in staged community shows celebrating Mother's Day. All shows are recorded and shared on the LTYMShow Youtube channel boasting a catalog of nearly 1500 diverse sories of motherhood (daugher/son/father/grandparent,etc). 
Born of the creative work of mothers who publish on-line, each production is directed, produced, and performed by local communities, for local communities. - from

I am excited to share that I have been selected to be in the St Louis production of Listen To Your Mother! I submitted a story last year but did not make it, so I thought I'd give it another shot this year with a story of what it means to be "A Real Mom". I was thrilled (and surprised!) when I received an email inviting me to share my story on stage this year on Mother's Day Weekend. A family illness prevented me from attending the show last year, but I did go over to Youtube and watched many of the speakers from numerous cities. Their stories were sweet, funny, heart-breaking, and inspiring.... each special in it's own way. If you've never seen them, click on the link above. I know you'll find something that will remind you of your own mother or yourself and will tug at your heart strings. I can't wait to hear the stories this year and though I'm super nervous, I'm looking forward to working with the others and sharing my own personal story. 

I've heard that tickets go fast, so I will post the info on here as soon as it's available. If you're looking for something fun to do this Mother's Day weekend, why not come out Saturday, May 7th and share the day with us? 

Here's a picture of me with my own mom and sister... striking a silly pose after Christmas Dinner.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Empty Nest, Full Life

   This past year has flown by and I can't believe that it's been so long since I've posted anything. Between keeping up with my baby sign language/sensory classes, caring for my elderly parents, and muddling through empty nest syndrome, I've had my hands full. My mind (and body) have been going in so many directions, I've found little time to sit down and write. Now however, I've got my business off to a good start, my parents are a little more stable, and I've figured out that life is actually not so bad once the kids move out. :)  So, along with a few painting classes here and there, I've decided to make writing a part of my day again. 

   Today I thought I'd share this image that made me chuckle.  

I don't have a cat and I haven't gone quite this but here's a recent pic of my dog, Buddy who is on the recliner with me and just happens to be sporting a new red scarf.