20 Things a Mother Should Tell Her Son
(and what fathers ought to be saying too! - * my addition)
1. Play a sport. It will teach you how to win honorably,
lose gracefully, respect authority, work with others, manage your time and stay
out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch.
2. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back.
3. Use careful aim when you pee. Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.
4. Save money when you're young because you're going to need it some day.
5. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.
6. Pray and be a spiritual leader.
7. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.
8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.
9. Treat women kindly. Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.
10. Take pride in your appearance.
11. Be strong and tender at the same time.
12. A woman can do everything that you can do. This includes her having a successful career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.
13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.
14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public.
15. Peer pressure is a scary thing. Be a good leader and others will follow.
16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.
17. Be patriotic.
18. Potty humor isn't the only thing that's humorous.
19. Please choose your spouse wisely. My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.
20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you.
2. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back.
3. Use careful aim when you pee. Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.
4. Save money when you're young because you're going to need it some day.
5. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.
6. Pray and be a spiritual leader.
7. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.
8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.
9. Treat women kindly. Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.
10. Take pride in your appearance.
11. Be strong and tender at the same time.
12. A woman can do everything that you can do. This includes her having a successful career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.
13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.
14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public.
15. Peer pressure is a scary thing. Be a good leader and others will follow.
16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.
17. Be patriotic.
18. Potty humor isn't the only thing that's humorous.
19. Please choose your spouse wisely. My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.
20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you.
~Saw this on a friend's Facebook page,
Unknown author ...perhaps Nino Rostomashvili ?
I'm not sure where this originated, but I saw some humor and alot of truth in this and I wanted to share. As the mother of two boys.. three, counting my stepson, I've always wished I knew exactly what to do and say to help them be successful in life. Parenting is hard work! Sometimes it's hard to know when to intervene and help or when to let them learn lessons the hard way. When is it best to be patient/ keep quiet and when is it best to discipline?
I guess as parents, we learn as we go, hope we are doing a good job, and pray for guidance.
Right now my boys are at the age of leaving the nest and I feel the urge to impart some final bits of wisdom before they are off on their own. I want them to know they are loved unconditionally, but I may not always agree or approve of the choices they make. I want them to make good choices and have godly wisdom - not wisdom in the way of the world. I've tried to impress upon them that success isn't in having an important job or making lots of money. It isn't the ability to travel or pursue your own hobbies. It is found in living a life for God and in loving others. When asked what the two greatest commands were, Jesus replied, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] (Matthew 22:36-39)
When we seek God's way first, the other things will follow. That's not a promise that you'll be rich or popular, or have everything you want, but you will be blessed and have the peace that only God can give. That is far more valuable than all the material things the world can offer.
So along with all the sentiments above ..and several more I could add... :) .... . we as mothers need to get to the heart of the matter. Actually, even more than mothers, FATHERS, need to get the priorities in the right place and offer this kind of advice because boys tend to model the behavior and example of their dad. Move number 6 up on the list and make being a spiritual leader of highest importance. Most importantly, don't forget to lead by example.
If we teach our sons to live a life focused on loving God and others, then they will be like Jesus and grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52) That is what I want for my sons. That to me, defines success.