When I was diagnosed with cancer and given a scary survival rate, I began to keep a journal of happy thoughts to keep myself positive and focused on my blessings. It brought me so much comfort and joy just to sit down each night and write one or two things that I was thankful for that day. Even in the midst of trials, there are so many things to be happy about. Example: Warm towels fresh from the dryer or comfy flannel sheets... Can you tell I'm cold natured? :) Some may think of it as a Pollyanna thing, but I think of it as finding contentment and joy in all things, no matter how small. Like Abraham Lincoln said, "People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be". Wouldn't you rather see the glass half-full than half-empty? Sometimes perspective makes all the difference in the world. The way we see a situation directly affects how we handle it. A positive outlook can get you through some bad times. The Apostle, Paul, also noted the importance of thinking on good things when he wrote:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. [Philippians 4:8,9]
Of course, the most pure and praiseworthy thing to think about is the Lord and His great love for us, but I think that reminding ourselves of the little things that make life pleasant is also a good way to lift the spirit. My grandma, whom I was very close to, used to remind me of that and whenever she noticed I was feeling down or complaining about something, she would begin singing the old hymn, "Count Your Blessings". ( It always cheered me up and made me turn my mind toward all the many things God had done for me. He is so good.

The other day when I was doing a search for blog ideas, I saw that lists were a popular thing to do when a topic does not come readily to mind. So, today I'm going to do a list along with these few paragraphs and hopefully prompt someone else out there who may be needing a lift to count their blessings and think on things that bring happiness:
1. Children laughing... especially deep belly laughs from babies.
2. My favorite old hymns we sang growing up.
3. Crickets chirping outside when I'm sleeping in a tent.
4. A heartfelt prayer.
5. Thunderstorms on days I can sleep in.
6. A children's choir singing Christmas songs.
7. A fire crackling and popping.
8. Rhythmic waves of the ocean.
9. Being called a term of endearment by someone I love.
10. The song of a bird outside my window in the morning.
There, I feel happier already. :) Hoping your day is a blessed one.......